Recruitment video production, IT STARTS! media

Recruitment video production, IT STARTS! media

High quality recruitment videos have become essential for companies looking to attract top talent in a competitive hiring landscape. In this guide we will walk through everything you need to know about recruitment video production. From what recruitment videos entail to real-world examples of impactful recruitment content from global brands.

What is a Recruitment Video?

A recruitment video is a branded video created specifically to promote a company’s employer brand. It also has to engage potential candidates for open positions in the company.

Rather than a dry job description, recruitment videos bring your company and workplace culture to life through storytelling. They give candidates an authentic behind the scenes look and emotional connection to your brand or company as an employer.

Videos can highlight current employees, brand values, benefits, career growth opportunities, workplace environment, and more. Whether it’s a large healthcare organization in Los Angeles, or a car repair chain with workshops across California – the goal is to get potential hires excited to apply and get onboard of the company.

Key Benefits of Recruiting Videos

Here are some of the top reasons recruitment videos have become a must-have:

  • Stand out – Video content makes your employer brand more engaging and memorable than competitors.
  • Personability – Putting real faces and stories to your brand builds affinity and trust.
  • Authenticity – Show don’t tell. Bring your culture to life rather than making claims.
  • Adaptability – Videos can be created for your overall employer brand, specific teams, internships, leadership programs, and more.
  • Shareability – Videos drive engagement on social media and job platforms.
  • Measurability – Track video views, completion rates, and applicants driven to gauge impact.

For modern recruitment, video is the most powerful marketing tool to showcase your workplace and values.

Video Content Types for Recruitment

What should you actually highlight in your recruitment videos? Here are some popular formats:

  • Company culture videos – Show office tours, team events, daily work environment.
  • Employee testimonials – Have staff share their career journeys.
  • Founder/leadership welcome – Humanize leadership with authentic messages.
  • Day-in-the-life – Follow employees through typical workdays.
  • Recent Awards/achievements – Highlight accomplishments like rankings.
  • Diversity and inclusion – Emphasize commitments to equitable hiring.
  • Intern/recent graduate testimonials – Have new hires discuss their experiences.
  • Benefits overview – Showcase perks like remote work options, unlimited vacation, etc.

Customize content that fits your employer brand positioning. Videos under 2 minutes have the highest engagement as of 2023-2024.

Recruiting Video Production Process Overview

Bringing a recruitment video to life is all about careful planning and execution across these key stages:

Pre-production – Identify goals, target roles, scripting, shot lists, graphics, and animations.

Filming – Use cinema cameras, professional lighting and audio to shoot high-quality footage.

Post-production – Edit footage, voiceover, graphics, etc. into a polished video.

Distribution – Share videos on your careers site, job listings, social media, LinkedIn, at conferences and more.

Analytics – Track meaningful metrics like views, completion rate, and job applications driven.

Video production professionals will handle all creative and technical aspects from start to finish.

Recruitment Video Examples

Let’s look at a few standout recruitment videos from major brands:


Google creates catching animated videos that showcase their culture in a fun, lighthearted way. The videos focus on themes like innovation, creativity, and community.


Netflix takes an authentic documentary style approach. Their videos highlight real employees across departments discussing why they love working there.


Deloitte produces more formal videos with company leaders welcoming candidates and emphasizing Deloitte’s commitment to inclusion and development.


PwC mixes corporate social responsibility and showcasing workplace culture. Recent grads discuss career growth while community initiatives are spotlighted.

Specialized videos can make applying to your roles irresistible.

Military Recruitment video production, IT STARTS! media

Military Recruitment video production, IT STARTS! media

Recruitment Videos for Specific Industries

Certain industries like police, military, sports teams and more also produce specialized recruitment videos:

Police – These videos emphasize serving the community, camaraderie, high-tech resources and action. Testimonials from actual officers are key.

Military – Focus is on patriotism, strength, integrity, leadership growth and advanced training. Dramatic visuals are highlighted.

Navy – Travel, adventure, technical education and protecting the nation are emphasized in Navy recruitment videos.

Sports Teams – Give behind-the-scenes access to facilities, coaches and star players to get prospects excited to join.

Organizations That Stand to Gain from Recruitment Video Production

If you are contemplating whether recruitment video production services would be beneficial for your organization, the answer is most likely affirmative. The utility of such services extends across a wide range of sectors and operational scales. Below are some types of businesses and organizations that can particularly benefit:

Technology Startups – Illuminate the innovation and collaborative energy that drive your company. This is an opportunity to showcase unique amenities or intellectual rigor that sets you apart.

Healthcare Providers – Convey the dual commitment to compassionate care and cutting-edge technology. Feature testimonials that humanize your workforce and highlight the meaningful impact of daily roles.

Educational Institutions – Showcase the institution’s academic ambiance, from tranquil campuses to advanced research facilities, to community engagement initiatives.

Nonprofit Organizations – Despite often operating on limited budgets, nonprofits can utilize recruitment videos to powerfully communicate the social or environmental impact of their work.

Retail and Hospitality Businesses – Offer a glimpse into the dynamic, customer-centric atmosphere where employees find their roles both challenging and rewarding.

Financial Services Firms – Use this medium to reveal a culture of innovation, challenge the stereotypical view of the industry, and underline career growth opportunities.

Creative Agencies – Highlight the creativity and teamwork that fuel your project successes, giving potential hires a sense of your agency’s ethos.

Manufacturing Companies – Demystify the operations within your facilities, showcasing the technological sophistication and the skill sets required for success.

Freelancers and Solo Entrepreneurs – Even if you operate on a small scale, a well-crafted recruitment video can provide a platform to share your vision and attract talent aligned with your goals.

So irrespective of whether you operate on Wall Street or a quiet corner of Main Street, recruitment video services offer valuable contributions to your hiring process.


Why Work With IT STARTS! Media?

When it comes to hard-hitting recruitment videos that attract top talent, IT STARTS! Media is the top Los Angeles production company.

Our seasoned team will uncover the heart of your workplace culture and employer brand to produce authentic, engaging videos. With cinema-quality filming, polished editing, and compelling storytelling, we create content that excites candidates.

Some of our capabilities include:

  • Interviewing and coaching real employees for authenticity
  • Strategic project management from concept to distribution
  • Filming with Hollywood equipment and production value
  • Animated motion graphics that educate and entertain
  • Post-production editing, coloring, audio mix and more

We have produced recruitment video success for clients like Western Dental, CNCDA Foundation, and more. Let’s connect to craft videos that will flood your talent pipeline!


What is the ideal length for a recruitment video?

60-120 seconds is optimal. Under 2 minutes maximum to keep attention.

What should my budget be for a recruitment video?

For professional quality, $7,000-$15,000+ depending on length and complexity.

Where should recruitment videos be posted?

Your careers webpage, LinkedIn, Facebook, targeted job platform ads, YouTube channel, at job fairs/events.

How long does the recruitment video production process take?

Typically 4-6 weeks from first consultation to finalizing video.

How do you measure recruitment video success?

Track analytics like views, completion rate, outbound clicks, and job applicants driven.


Recruitment videos allow you to showcase your authentic employer brand and workplace culture to engage and hire top talent. Partnering with an expert video production company provides the creative vision, technical expertise, and distribution strategy needed for maximum impact across candidate touchpoints.

At IT STARTS! Media, we live and breathe recruitment video production. Let’s connect to craft creative content tailored to your hiring needs!

Geographical Coverage: Los Angeles Based, Nationwide Reach

While our operational headquarters is situated in Los Angeles, California, our service delivery extends across the entirety of the United States. Our commitment to quality and adaptability knows no geographical bounds.

San Francisco Bay Area

For enterprises operating in the technology-focused environment of the Bay Area, and Greater Sacramento Area our customized services are designed to align with the local culture of innovation.

Dallas, Texas

In Dallas, a city known for its large-scale business endeavors across multiple sectors, we craft recruitment videos that reflect the energy and ambition native to the area.

New York City

In the city that never sleeps, we offer recruitment video services tailored to diverse sectors, from the financial institutions of Wall Street to the cultural venues of Broadway.

Miami, Florida

Our services extend to Miami, capturing the city’s unique blend of cultural diversity, hospitality, and entrepreneurial spirit.

Beyond Regional Limitations

Additionally, we film in other major cities and regions across the United States, including Chicago, Atlanta, Boston, and Seattle. Regardless of your location, you can expect a recruitment video with high production value that serves your specific needs.

So, whether your organization is situated on the East Coast, the West Coast, or anywhere in between, IT STARTS! Media remains your top choice for recruitment video production services that are both engaging and effective.

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About the Author: Elijah Nichols

Elijah Nichols
9 years of experience in corporate video production. Scriptwriting, Directing, DOP, Advanced Post-Production. As the owner and operator of my own video production business, I specialize in creating promotional videos that help companies and brands increase their revenue and grow their audience.