Product video production, IT STARTS! media

Product video production, IT STARTS! media

Branded video content has become a must for businesses looking to creatively engage their audience. But what exactly is branded content production, and how do you develop compelling videos aligned with your brand? This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know.

What is Branded Content?

Branded content refers to various media formats that promote a company’s brand while entertaining or educating the audience. It provides value to viewers beyond a straightforward sales pitch, and builds a bridge and establishes the connection between client and your company and brand.

Branded video utilizes storytelling to organically highlight your products, services or mission. Rather than overt advertising, it aims to attract customers by offering something useful or interesting.

Well-executed branded content feels natural and genuinely appeals to your target demographic.

Types of Branded Video Content

There are endless possibilities for branded videos. Here are some of the most popular formats:

Demo Videos

Show how your product works through an engaging demo. Provide useful tips and highlight key features.


Give viewers a look inside your company culture and operations. These videos build brand affinity.

Explainer Videos

Use animation and narration to explain complex services or ideas simply and quickly.

Customer Testimonials

Let satisfied customers describe their positive experiences using your offerings, services and products.

Thought Leadership Interviews

Position executives as industry experts by having them share insights through social media content, short content bites, podcasts.

Company or Product Origin Stories

Share your founding story and core values to form an emotional connection.

Case Studies

Show how you solved a specific client problem or brought results.

How-To Tutorials

Teach viewers a new skill related to your product or service.

Event and Conference Coverage

Give insider access to your event and highlight key moments.

The key is aligning content with your brand identity and audience interests. Take an educational or entertaining approach.

Branded content production, IT STARTS! media

Branded content production, IT STARTS! media

The Branded Content Production Process

Creating compelling branded videos requires careful planning and execution. Here is an overview of the typical production workflow:

Identifying Goals and Audience

First, define what you want to achieve and who you are speaking to. This guides all creative decisions.

Developing a Script

Flesh out your storyline and messaging in an engaging script optimized for video.

Pre-Production Planning

Finalize locations, shot lists, graphics, animations, talent, and other pre-production elements.

Filming with Quality Equipment

Use professional cameras, lighting, audio gear, and a seasoned crew for high production value.

Post-Production Editing

Combine footage, graphics, animations, music and more into a polished final video.

Distribution and Promotion

Publish videos on your website, social platforms, paid ads and other channels. Promote them across your networks.

The most impactful branded content balances quality production with strategic distribution tailored to your goals.

Why Invest in Professional Branded Video Production?

Here are some key benefits of working with an expert production team:

  • Storytelling expertise – video pros can craft compelling narratives that subtly highlight your brand.
  • Production value – cinematic filming and editing results in engaging, shareable content.
  • Creative strategiesexperienced teams strategically align videos with your specific audience and goals.
  • Brand consistency – pros maintain stylistic and tonal consistency you can build branded content series around.
  • Distribution networks – production companies have existing platforms and followers to share your video.

A branded video content partner brings together creative, technical and strategic expertise for maximum ROI.

Branded content video production, IT STARTS! media

Branded content video production, IT STARTS! media

IT STARTS! Media – Your Branded Video Partner

When it comes to producing sleek, strategic branded videos in Los Angeles, in San Francisco, Sacramento, and all across the United States, our video marketing and production company is your number one choice. With an in-house team of writers, filmmakers, film crew, animators, editors and more, we handle every part of the production and distribution process.

Some of our capabilities include:

  • Building organic brand stories that captivate
  • Filming interviews with executive thought leaders
  • Animating explainer videos that simplify complex ideas
  • Directing talent and spokespeople for natural, credible performances

Let’s explore how we can create binge-worthy branded content tailored to your brand. Schedule a consultation!

FAQs About Branded Video Production

What is the typical budget for a 2-3 minute branded video?

What equipment do you use for branded video filming?

How long does the branded video production process take?

What is the best video length for branded content?

How can I distribute branded videos to reach my audience?


Product video production, IT STARTS! media

Product video production, IT STARTS! media


Branded video content allows you to connect with customers in an authentic, engaging way that promotes your brand subtly. But professional production value and strategic distribution are crucial for success. Partnering with a video production company experienced in branded content development, creation, and distribution can provide maximum benefits for your company and brand, increasing sales.

Or video production agency lives and breaths taking brands to the next level through compelling storytelling. Let’s start brainstorming the perfect branded video strategy for your business today!

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About the Author: Elijah Nichols

Elijah Nichols
9 years of experience in corporate video production. Scriptwriting, Directing, DOP, Advanced Post-Production. As the owner and operator of my own video production business, I specialize in creating promotional videos that help companies and brands increase their revenue and grow their audience.